Imprint of the Hoyer Montagetechnik GmbH

Legal Information.


Hoyer Montagetechnik GmbH

Inselsbergstraße 13
D-99880 Waltershausen
OT Schwarzhausen

Phone: 036259 573-0
Fax: 036259 573-20

Responsible for content: Knut Stichling, Peter Wedig
Authorized representative Chief Executive Officer: Knut Stichling, Peter Wedig
Commercial Register District Court Jena, HRB 108960
Tax identification number: DE 150376495

Design & Realization:

das creative auge./werbagentur
Schillerstrasse 32, D-99096 Erfurt

1. Contents of the online offer

De­s­pite careful edit­ing and review of the con­t­ents, Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, comple­ten­ess or quality of the pro­vided in­formati­on, since it cannot be excluded that chan­ges will have occurred in the meantime. Liability claims again­st Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH which refer to mate­ri­al or immate­ri­al nature caused by use or disuse of the presented in­formati­on. or by incorrect and incomple­te in­formati­on, are ge­ne­r­ally excluded unless the­re is evidence of willful in­tent or gross negligence on the part of Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH.

2. Copyright and trademark legislation

The con­tent of this webs­i­te may not be copied, dis­tributed, modified or ma­de accessi­ble to third parties for commerci­al purpo­ses. Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH strives to ob­serve all current copyright laws.

Should the­re still be an infringement of copyrights, Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH shall remove the re­spective object from its publicati­on af­ter notificati­on and/or la­bel it wi­th the appropri­ate copyright. All brands and trade­marks mentioned wi­t­hin the offer that might be pro­tected by third parties, are wi­thout restricti­on subject to the pro­visi­ons of the ap­p­licable trade­mark law and the rights of the re­spective copyright owner. The me­re menti­on does not imply that third party trade­marks are not pro­tected by law.


3. External links

Our own con­tent must be differentiated from cross-referen­ces (links) to con­tent pro­vided by others. For in­formati­on ("for­eign con­tent") which only pro­vides access for use via hyperlinks, Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH shall only be liable if they have exact knowledge of the con­tent and if it is technically possi­ble and re­asonable to prevent the use of illegal con­tent. Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH hereby ex­pressly decla­res that at the time of linking, the linked pages did not con­tain any illegal con­tent.

Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the current and future de­si­gn of the linked pages. Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH dis­tan­ces its­elf exp­licitly from all con­tent chan­ges that are ma­de ​​af­ter the linking of the linked pages.

4. Validity of this disclaimer

This disclai­mer is to be re­garded as part of the in­ternet con­tent which referred to this webs­i­te. If secti­ons or individu­al terms of this statement should be illegal or incorrect, the validity of the re­mai­ning parts of the document is nevert­heless pre­served.

Notice regarding data privacy

Hoyer Mon­tage­tech­nik GmbH re­spects your privacy. For this re­ason perso­nal data are only registered in the con­text of email forms, while inputting perso­nal or business data is completely volun­tary. The­se data are pro­cessed and stored in accor­dance wi­th German data privacy regulati­ons and only insofar as it is necessary to pro­cess the request.

On request, we will in­form you wi­thout unre­asonable delay, consistent wi­th the law, if and which of your perso­nal data is stored by us.

When you visit our webs­i­tes, the na­me of your In­ternet brow­ser, the pages you visit on our webs­i­te as well as the date and durati­on of your visit will be saved by our Web server regularly. Un­der no circumstan­ces are we go­ing to forward the data to third parties.

Questions about data privacy:

Please note:

Our webs­i­tes may con­tain links to webs­i­tes of other pro­viders to which this data privacy statement does not ap­ply.